
Bible Study

Bible study is key to developing a deeper relationship with our Creator.  We need to hear God’s voice to understand His will.  His voice is found in the words and books of the Bible.  To know and understand God’s will, we must listen to Him.  We can only listen to Him by reading His word and meditating on it day and night.   Look at what Joshua has to say on the topic in Joshua 1:8.

Joshua 1:8
8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

It is not good enough to simply read His word, it is to be devoured.  Joshua instructs us to meditate on His law day and night.  In other words, His words need to be on our minds constantly.  But, we need to go another step beyond meditation and seek out application.  We will truly understand God’s will for our lives when we are careful to do according to all that is in His inspired word.

Topical Bible Study

Each week we develop new topic-based Bible studies.  These studies focus on topics of interest that Christians encounter each day.  We look at what the Bible has to say on the topic of study.  More importantly, we apply God’s Word to daily life so that we can walk according to the will that He has for each of us individually.  The study guides include narrative and Bible references.  Many of our studies include questions to be used in individual and group settings to facilitate reflection and discussion.

Topical Bible Study Guides

The link to the Topical Study Forum below is for deeper discussion on the topic being studied.  This is a forum that is created for members who want to ask questions and engage in discussion regarding the topic that is the focus of that forum.  The forum is moderated and the rules are simple.  Responses must be based on the Bible and its application to the situation.  And, responses must be constructive.

Topical Study Forum 

Books of the Bible Study

Each week, or longer depending on the book being studied, we provide written commentary on the text being studied.  We look at the setting of the book, the Christian issues being addressed, links to other relevant verses, and the application of the text to daily Christian living.  Readers are encouraged to review the questions at the end of each section.  The reader may use these questions to guide or direct individual or small group study.  Readers are encouraged to apply the verses being read to the daily Christian walk.

Books of the Bible Study Guides

Readers are encouraged to join the discussions in the Books of the Bible Forum.  Members are encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussion regarding the book of the Bible that is the focus of that forum.  The forum is moderated and the rules are simple.  Responses must be based on the Bible text and its application to daily life.  And, responses must be constructive.

Books of the Bible Forum

Bible Study Resources

Please visit our Bible Study Resources page to learn more about the many resources available.