
Topical Study

Becoming a Christian

Are you interested in learning more about what it means to become a Christian?  If so, please look at our resources on how to become a Christian: How to Know God and Plan of Salvation.  If you want more information, or would like for us to pray for you, please fill out our Contact Us form and we will get back with you.


In the world in which we live, and really since the beginning of time, true peace seems to be so elusive.  No matter how diligently we seek peace, we often seem incapable of finding it.  Our world is filled with people who want nothing more than to find just a few moments of peace.  That has led me to ask why.   If you are seeking peace today, please look at our fourteen day devotional series on finding true peace.



Why Do I Struggle?

Was Jesus’ Body Given or Broken?