
Deliverance | Psalm 6:1-3

Prayer for Today
God, today grant me
Strength to do as You please
Wisdom to discern Your best for me
Compassion to serve others who need You
Power to overcome the world’s temptations

Bible Verse

Psalms 6:2 (ESV) 2 Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am languishing; heal me, O LORD, for my bones are troubled.


Have you ever felt completely worn down by life or by God’s discipline for something wrong that you have done?

In Psalm 6:1-3, David is clearly troubled.  While the exact circumstances of his situation are unknown, it is clear that he is asking God to stop punishing him.  He is asking God for grace and healing.  David is clearly beaten down and is exhausted.  Every part of David is worn down.  David wants nothing more than for the pain to stop and the healing begin.  I think we have all been there; I know I have. 

The life circumstances we encounter, and even the discipline of God, can seem overwhelming at times.  Lest we think David is unique in his situation, let’s take a look at Job 3:1-2 and take a page from the life of Job.  In the first two chapters of Job, Job lost absolutely everything.  He lost his material wealth, his possessions, his family, and ultimately his health.  All of this loss, and it was not because of any great sin Job had committed.  Sometimes life is just plain unfair.  After all of his loss, Job finally opens his mouth and curses the very day he was born.  He wished the day of his birth had never happened.


While difficult seasons of life will come and go, He always remains at my side.

I have been at life’s lowest point, at least for me.  It was not fun.  In fact, I have never been in a lonelier and more hopeless place.  The more I wanted to escape life and all of its troubles, the deeper the pit grew. I was mad at myself because I kept waking up.  That depth of despair is a horrible place to find oneself.  When I was at that absolute low point, I did not know what to do or where or to whom to turn.  Later, friends told me I should have let them know.  But it is not that easy.  I did not feel that anyone could relate to the depths to which I had fallen. 

While that is true, I also learned that there is a way out.  I was convinced that God wanted nothing more to do with me.  I told my friends and family to stop praying, but they prayed even harder.  Eventually, God lifted me out of that pit of despair.  He reminded me that He always has a plan even when I choose not to follow Him.  I learned what David knew, that God is a God of justice and answered prayer.  While difficult seasons of life will come and go, He always remains at my side.  The lesson I believe God was teaching me is that He is never done with His children.  Not to trivialize the point, but we need to always remember that God is only a prayer away.  David knew what I learned, that God would answer his prayers.


Lord, thank you for being a God of answered prayer.  Even in the difficult seasons of life You are there.  While I do not always know why I have certain experiences, I do know that the experience is always designed to draw me closer to You.