
Prayer in the Psalms | Psalm 6:9

How many times do I feel like my prayer hits the ceiling and bounces back at me? 

Bible Verse

Psalm 6:9 (ESV) 9 The Lord has heard my plea, the Lord accepts my prayer.


How many times do I feel like my prayer hits the ceiling and bounces back at me?  This happens more often than I care to admit.  I have a very bad habit of allowing my circumstances to affect how I think about prayer.  God promises that He hears and receives our prayers, so why is it so hard to believe?  I think that is in part because we are a society that has grown accustomed to immediate gratification.  If I do not get what I perceive to be an answer, then I set about to figure it out on my own.  Sometimes I think I make the mistake of assuming God has not heard me when in fact His answer is wait.  I cannot understand God’s timing.  Usually, if I am willing to wait, I find that He does answer.  In every case, the outcome is far better if I wait on Him than if I try to solve the matter on my own.

I hear many people whose experience with prayer is similar to mine.  However, I also see people who seem to frequently receive answers to their prayer.  So, what is the difference?  I think there are two other factors we must consider.  First, how much time do we spend listening to God and how much time do we spend talking with Him?  To receive answers, we need to have a relationship with Him.  A relationship is a two-way street.  I need to learn to listen more than I talk.  Second, I need to learn to trust Him.  Look again at the verse.  David is pleading with God.  The difference is that he knows that God has heard him and received his prayer.  That kind of confidence comes from having a deep relationship with the Father, not a relationship built on my constant demands.


So, does God really hear my prayer?  Does He really answer?  Yes, and yes.  I need to build a relationship with Him in the good times so that I build faith and trust in Him.  Look at David in this verse.  He has faith that God has heard his prayer and receives it.  David also puts his complete faith and trust in God.  He is willing to accept God’s answer to his prayer even if it is not the outcome he expected or wanted.

Have you built a relationship with the Father and the Son?

What is preventing you from having a true relationship with God?

Pray today that God will teach you how to have a relationship with Him.


Lord, help me to realize that You are a loving God that wants to provide for His children.  Help me also to have the strength and willingness to accept Your answer(s) even if the answer is not what I want